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Getting Help

The WDL community has a wide range of resources to help you when you need a helping hand.


As you're learning WDL, you're bound to have questions. We suggest the following mechanisms for getting the answers you need.

  • Search the discussions to see if your question has been asked already; if it hasn't been asked, feel free start a new discussion! If it's been asked but not yet answered, upvote the topic (if it's been some time, also feel free to chime in on the thread)!
  • You may also join the community Slack and ask in the #support channel. We highly prefer that you come to the Slack channel with an issue that you can link us to, as responding to your issue helps us more permanently answer the question for future askers.

Bugs and new features

  • Search the issues to see if someone's already reported the issue. If your issue has not already been reported, feel free to create a new one!
    • In particular, for feature requests, you are encouraged to start a discussion first at one of the places in the section above to get community buy-in before proceeding.
  • If you'd like to provide a fix/implementation for an issue, please read about contributing before submitting a pull request.

Community Resources

Last, we have a number of official resources to make sure you have materials to learn from: be sure to check them out!

  • The official WDL documentation (this site) is a great place to learn how to read and write WDL. All of the basic information you need to get started should be here! how to read and write WDL WDL.
  • If you're more of a guided learner, the Learn WDL guide walks you step-by-step through the basics writing and running WDL—it even has an accompanying YouTube video!
  • The official WDL template repository is a starter template for a best practice WDL workflow repository.
  • Last, the WDL specification exhaustively documents the WDL standard.