Multi-input / Multi-output
The ability to connect outputs to inputs described in Linear Chaining, which relies on hierarchical naming, allows you to chain together tools that produce multiple outputs and accept multiple inputs, and specify exactly which output feeds into which input.
In the diagram above, we see that the outputs for stepB are named differently. This means we can specify where exactly each output goes in the next step's input fields, as shown in the example code snippet below:
call stepC {
in1 = stepB.out1,
in2 = stepB.out2
Generic example script
In context, this sort of plumbing would look as follows in a WDL script:
version 1.0
workflow MultiOutMultiIn {
input {
File firstInput
call stepA {
in = firstInput
call stepB {
in = stepA.out
call stepC {
in1 = stepB.out1,
in2 = stepB.out2
task stepA {
input {
File in
command <<<
programA I=~{in} O=outputA.ext
output {
File out = "outputA.ext"
task stepB {
input {
File in
command <<<
programB I=~{in} O1=outputB1.ext O2 = outputB2.ext
output {
File out1 = "outputB1.ext"
File out2 = "outputB2.ext"
task stepC {
input {
File in1
File in2
command <<<
programB I1=~{in1} I2=~{in2} O=outputC.ext
output {
File out = "outputC.ext"
Concrete example
The example workflow in the diagram below uses Picard’s splitVcfs tool to separate the original VCF into two VCF files, one containing only SNPs and the other containing only Indels. The next step takes those two separated VCFs and recombines them into one.
For this toy example, we have defined two tasks:
- splitVcfs takes in a
File VCF
and outputs aFile snpOut
and aFile indelOut
. - CombineVariants takes in a
File VCF1
and aFile VCF2
, producing aFile VCF
Concrete example script
The workflow described above, in its entirety, would look like the following in a WDL script:
version 1.0
workflow MultiOutMultiInExample {
input {
File inputVCF
call splitVcfs {
VCF = inputVCF
call CombineVariants {
VCF1 = splitVcfs.indelOut,
VCF2 = splitVcfs.snpOut
task splitVcfs {
input {
File VCF
command <<<
java -jar picard.jar SplitVcfs \
I = ~{VCF} \
SNP_OUTPUT = snp.vcf \
INDEL_OUTPUT = indel.vcf
output {
File snpOut = "snp.vcf"
File indelOut = "indel.vcf"
task CombineVariants {
input {
File VCF1
File VCF2
command <<<
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T CombineVariants
-R reference.fasta \
-V ~{VCF1} \
-V ~{VCF2} \
--genotypemergeoption UNSORTED \
-o combined.vcf
output {
File VCF = "combined.vcf"
Note that here for simplicity we omitted the handling of index files, which has to be done explicitly in WDL.